Learn The Piano

Learn the best instrument on the planet using revolutionary new techniques that cut down learning time by about one tenth.
Everything you need is found online, no fuss, no confusion.
Astound your friends by playing all the popular songs perfectly – as if by magic- in less than a month.
Be reading music and writing your own in just weeks.
Play by ear even if you have never learned an instrument before.
Use the instincts that human beings have been using for thousands of years to play awesome music.
Start a hugely successful career playing the Piano within months.
Why It Works! (Say Goodbye to Dull Practice)
Let’s face it…learning to play an instrument can be one of the most grindingly boring experiences you will ever have. Sure being the center of attention as you play fantastic tunes perfectly and with flair is cool. But if you have to spend literally a thousand hours practicing to get it that point is it really worth it?

We didn’t think so.

We heard people around the world complaining about the ridiculous grind of getting good at a musical instrument and we decided to find a way to make it fun, fast and almost effortless. After all human beings have been playing music for thousands of years.

The result is this intuitive, revolutionary, fail proof program that taps into the musician inside all of us to get ANYONE playing piano brilliantly in under thirty days.

So… why play the Piano? What is so great about it?

Piano is the grand music instrument of all, that’s why the super rich send their children to piano schools because no other instrument is as classy as the piano!

From prestige, sophistication and being looked upon as a musical genius nothing is as sexy as learning how to play the piano!

Start today and be able to play your favorite songs a few days from now! Sounds awesome right?
So from the top hits of today and yesterday you can watch and learn how to play your favorite songs!

Better yet we update our video lessons every week! Meaning our database is never outdated as when a new or popular song is out you can be sure that it will be added in our database! Imagine rocking the party not only with classic songs but the newest one as well!

Not only that but you can also request any song you like to be added in our database. So if you did not find your favorite song in our database just email us or post it in our request forum so we can create a video tutorial of your favorite songs!

It’s more affordable than private tutors…
There are no embarrassing mistakes or feeling rushed (or held back) by someone else…
It’s always evolving, allowing you to learn new songs as they’re released…
Lessons are planned using Lateral Associative Leaning, giving you a way to understand and apply your new skills without over load, but also without boring repetitive work…
All video based, and scientifically proven to work….
A learning program that caters for play by ear types, and traditional sheet music types…
All piano styles are covered…
Thriving community….
Tons of training aids, from software to sheet music and regularly added content…
Start learning how to play the piano!